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  2. Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator -...

    Create your own topic to the challenge step by using help button that appears below the challenge editor, when you attempting wrong code more than three times. hbar1st June 26, 2024, 8:42pm

  3. Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a series of programming challenges to help you become a more well-rounded developer. Named after the famous Rosetta Stone, the open source website hosts hundreds of problems solved in a variety of programming languages. 12.

  4. JavaScript Challenges - JavaScript - The freeCodeCamp Forum

    I currently just finished the Introduction to JavaScript part of the fCC curriculum. I’m done with the challenges within that part of the curriculum as well. Word Blanks Shopping List Stand in Line Golf Code Counting Cards Record Collection Profile Lookup I’m wondering if anyone could give me similar practice challenges. I especially had a hard time with the Record Collection challenge ...

  5. Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 4

    Tell us what’s happening: Step 4 Wrap the numbers 0, 100, and 50 in span elements, and wrap those new span elements in strong elements.

  6. Iterate with JavaScript While Loops - The freeCodeCamp Forum

    If the i++ is added before the .push you will get the output of 1-5 and not 0-4. Iterate with JavaScript While Loops Problem Explanation While loops will run as long as the condition inside the ( ) is true. Example: while (condition) { //code... } Hints Hint 1 Use a iterator variable such….

  7. Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 49

    The Prompt for this say’s the following: You need to wrap the text Store in double quotes. Because your string is already wrapped in double quotes, you’ll need to escape the quotes around Store. You can escape them with a backslash \\ . Here is an example: // The Example below: const escapedString = “Naomi likes to play "Zelda" sometimes.”; Wrap the text Store in double quotes within ...

  8. Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 90

    Tell us what’s happening: Stuck on this step. Imo the wording is not that great, and I’m having a hard time understanding it. Here is the guide text: Back at the beginning of this project, you created the inventory array. Add the newWeapon to the end of the inventory array using the push() method. Here is an example: const arr = ["first"]; const next = "second"; arr.push(next); arr would ...

  9. Latest JavaScript topics - The freeCodeCamp Forum

    Have trouble with my first JavaScript project. 2. 24. September 25, 2024. Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Run Functional Tests Using a Headless Browser II. 1. 13. September 25, 2024. MongoDB and Mongoose - Create a Model.

  10. Iterate with JavaScript For Loops - The freeCodeCamp Forum

    Hint 1. for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // There are 3 parts here. There are three parts to for loop. They are separated by semicolons. The initialization: var i = 0; - This code runs only once at the start of the loop. It’s usually used to declare the counter variable (with var) and initialize the counter (in this case it is set to 0).

  11. Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator -...

    Tell us what’s happening: Declare a function named addTwoNumbers. This function should take two arguments and return the sum of those two arguments. Then declare a sum variable and assign it the value of calling your addTwoNumbers function with 5 and 10 as the arguments. Log the sum variable to the console. To the following code. Your code so far const character = "#"; const count = 8; const ...