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  2. Twitter API: search people by email - Stack Overflow

    The Twitter API users/search documentation clearly states that the search function is similar to the Find People search that's available on Twitter. I did a Find People search with my email address and it searched for everyone that has a (example). The reason for this is that email addresses are private and confidential user ...

  3. I'm trying to build some advanced twitter searches to monitor certain items. At present, they get thrown off by people using one of the keywords in the username. I can't just mute / block all those users, as some of them are ones I follow. At the moment, the only way I can see to completely exclude an account from results is:

  4. How to Exclude retweets and replies in a search api?

    1. There is no direct way to exclude retweets and replies from the api. However, you can filter out the results you have got. For replies, you can check if the in_reply_to_status_id field you get from api is null, that means its not a reply else if it contains a id, then its a reply. For retweet, if you want posts that have not been retweeted ...

  5. Twitter search API, how to filter by @username?

    Twitter does not allow you to search for keywords for a particular set of users. As you are only "searching" one user's tweets, I would suggest that you just read the users timeline with include_entities and filter the results with with PHP your end:

  6. 35. You use -from:username to exclude tweets from a user. So for your example: sidigital OR sidgtl OR -from:sidgtl. answered Jun 9, 2016 at 18:21. wisbucky. 37.3k 12 162 111.

  7. 1. DataSift allows you to do this. It's Twitter's official partner for advanced searches. DataSift is a major social media data provider, you can search verified accounts using Twitter's API without dishing out thousands on this. Unless someone needs an archive of historical tweets.

  8. How to search for tweets using twitter API 1.1 and java

    I used this tutorial to search for tweets using twitter api 1.1 with OAuth Authentication. I have modified the code for my usability and it does not use twitter4j, which is good at the moment because OAuth search is not available in the RC build (I read it somewhere unable to find the location at the moment) Also added getting twitter timeline

  9. Twitter Search for 1.1. ... Here's a post a lot of people found useful to help you make authenticated ...

  10. Unfortunately, you cannot access past data from Twitter. Is not a problem of what library you're using: Tweepy, Twitter4J, whatever, is just that Twitter won't provide any data that is older than more or less 2 weeks. To get historical data you'll need access to firehose, directly through Twitter or third-party resellers like GNIP.

  11. Twitter API search within following - Stack Overflow

    Doing this only for your personal usage is very easy: just put your tweets into a big array list. Java should be fast enough that you don't need to use Lucene or ElasticSearch :) – Karussell. Apr 10, 2011 at 20:08. Thanks again, I've not done much Java beyond playing with Google Appspot + Processing.