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  1. Results From The WOW.Com Content Network
  2. Who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1964?

    Alec Douglas-Home was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 1963 October 18 to 1964 October 16. He became prime minister when Harold MacMillan became ...

  3. Who is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2013?

    David Cameron is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2013.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland contains England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which each have ...

  4. Who was the prime minister in England during the second world ......

    England does not have a President but a Prime Minister. One David Cameron is the Prime Minister of England as at June 2014. President Michael D. Higgins on the other hand is the President of Ireland.

  5. Who was the prime minister of Great Britain at the end of ... -...

    Winston Churchill was the prime minister of great Britain during WW2Neville Chamberlain until May 1940, then Winston Churchill until July 1945 and then Clement Attlee.Neville Chamberlain was the ...

  6. Who was the English Prime Minister before Tony Blair?

    The Prime Minister before John Howard was Paul Keating, of the ALP. Paul Keating 91-96. John Major was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom before Tony Blair. Kevin Rudd.

  7. Is there a prime minister for England? - Answers

    What was the street number of England's Prime Minister? The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing St. , London. He is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom which is England, Wales, Scotland and ...

  8. English prime minister before churchill - Answers

    The Prime Minister of the UK preceding Winston Churchill was Neville Chamberlain (Conservative), who came from a very unfortunate political family. Neville's relative Austin Chamberlain was the ...

  9. Who was the prime minister when England won the world cup?

    The Prime Minister of England when the country won the World Cup in 1966 was Harold Wilson.

  10. Why is there not a prime minister of England? - Answers

    Best Answer. There is no prime minister of England because the prime minister of Great Britain serves as the prime minister of England. One extremely peculiar situation results when the Scottish ...

  11. Where do the prime minister live? - Answers

    The prime minister of England has two locations which are provided for him and his family to live. The official residence in London England is number 10, Downing Street, which is actually several ...