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  2. Windows API dialogs without using resource files

    The dialog manager, part 1: Warm-ups. The dialog manager, part 2: Creating the frame window. The dialog manager, part 3: Creating the controls. The dialog manager, part 4: The dialog loop. The dialog manager, part 5: Converting a non-modal dialog box to modal. The dialog manager, part 6: Subtleties in message loops.

  3. ItemTemplate wont work when you put ListBoxItem directly as items. General concept is you databind a CRL collection to the ListBox.ItemsSource and then specify the ItemTemplate. Check the below code. <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">. <ListBox x:Name="TestList" SelectionMode="Multiple">. <ListBox.ItemTemplate>. <DataTemplate>.

  4. If the ComboBox's IsEditable property is set to True, you can set the "TextSearch.TextPath" property of the ComboBox to the property name you want to show. So in your case: <ComboBox IsEditable="True" TextSearch.TextPath="FullName" .../>. answered Sep 8, 2010 at 21:43. ASanch.

  5. Python OpenCV for template matching - Stack Overflow

    If that's the case then you have almost everything in your code already. All you need to do once you find a matching template is to read the replacement image, resize it to the size of the template image (given aspect ratios are same for both or else you might have to resize it such that your replacement hides template completely) and then do something like image[startY:endY, startX:endX ...

  6. wpf - Styling a GroupBox - Stack Overflow

    I'm trying to create a GroupBox design like this. I have looked at the GroupBox.HeaderTemplate. but I'm having problems creating the blue background color, with a width of 100%.

  7. Automatic template selection is the sole purpose of the DataType property. Put the DataTemplate in a ResourceDictionary (e.g. Window.Resources), then assign a DailyWeather object to e.g. the Content property of a ContentControl. The control will now automagically choose your DataTemplate for the ContentControl's ContentTemplate.

  8. Django template, how to make a dropdown box with the predefined value selected? 1 How to create html dropdown/select menu for a model field that is defined with choices (Django)

  9. grid-column: span 2; /*same rule as*/. grid-column-start: span 2; grid-column-end: auto; this way the element would be placed like it is placed in the document flow, but it would span multiple columns / rows. you still can combine this rule with a start point ala. grid-column: 1 / span 2; /*same rule as*/.

  10. Here I'm using a template for the selected item, but a template selector for the DropDown items. <ComboBox x:Name="MyComboBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" ItemTemplateSelector="{is:ComboBoxTemplateSelector SelectedItemTemplate={StaticResource MySelectedItemTemplate}, DropdownItemsTemplateSelector={StaticResource MyDropDownItemTemplateSelector

  11. This the template : layout template I am open to using other libraries as well if it has a more elegant way to achieve the result. The project requires to populate a PDF with the data that is fetched from a database, so it would be helpful if the library can assign id's to a particular field in the PDF layout.