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  2. Section numbering without numbers - LaTeX Stack Exchange

    I want to add a section without a number, but \section* also excludes it from the numbering, so if there is this \section*{Section 1} \subsection{Subsection} \subsection{Subsection 2} \section*{Section 2} \subsection{Subsection 3} I get what I want untill Section 2, but I want Subsection 3 to be numbered as "2.1", and it keeps numbering "1.3".

  3. sectioning - How to change the numbers on a section? - TeX

    First we define the command \section to be some specific phrase like "Lecture" followed by its numbering by doing. {Lecture\ \thesection}{2.3ex plus .2ex}{} %% Text "Lecture" is what you would like the section number to display with. Then define the command of setting arbitrary numbering to a specific section manually.

  4. Numbering equations in sections and sub-sections - TeX

    In general, I would like to number equations using the sub-section number, so for example, if I am in sub-section 2.3, then it should number the first equation in this section (2.3.1). To do this, I attempted to simply place \numberwithin{equation}{subsection} in the preamble. The `problem' (or rather, un-desirable behavior) with this however ...

  5. What is a course section number? -

    What is a course section number? The five-digit section number denotes the day, time, location and instructor teaching the course. This number and all pertinent information attached to a section number is set by the department of the course. A unique number is assigned to a lecture, discussion, lab and quiz individually. Please note, a five ...

  6. You change section numbering by redefining the commands used to generate each section number. For example, the default article class uses something like \renewcommand\thesection{\arabic{section}} \renewcommand\thesubsection{\thesection.\arabic{subsection}}

  7. sectioning - Getting section numbering to start at 0 - TeX

    Edit: I know I can do \section*{Preface}, but that removes it from the ToC, which isn't what I want. Use \section*{Preface} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Preface}. If you really want a 0 section, add this to the preamble: \setcounter{section}{-1}; otherwise, do as Harish has suggested. @GonzaloMedina I have \thispagestyle{empty} because I want ...

  8. Now you can call. \DIV[42]{section}{The answer to the fundamental question} and the section will be numbered 42. If the next section is called with. \DIV{section}{Don't panic!} it will be numbered 43. Should you want to remove this manual numbering, just comment the \IfValueT line. Share.

  9. If you want only the number in the section title to be followed by a period, then you can follow Alan's good suggestion or delve into the internals (see the FAQ entry for more information): \makeatletter. \renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\csname the#1\endcsname.\quad} \makeatother. This will change the format of all the sectional units also ...

  10. How to display section number in the section's title?

    \section{Item 2: Geometric Brownian Motion} blalblabla \end{document} By default the section numbers appear in front of the section's title. Instead I would like to have the section number appear inside the document's title after the word "Item" and be incremented automatically (so that I don't need to keep a manual count of the Item numbers).

  11. enumerate - Custom section numbering (letters and numbers) - TeX...

    The output is the following. The general formatting of the new section levels can be changed with \titleformat and \titlespacing, and the numbering can be changed with the \theTitle and \thesubtitle commands. With this example, the new section levels will appear in ToC, but the formatting should be manually handled, for example with titletoc.