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  1. Results From The WOW.Com Content Network
  2. SOA Service and Deployment -

    Hi, We have developed a Service using SOA. We plan to host it as Web Service to be cosumed by clients.However we ...

  3. How the Face API latency metric is calculated for the Azure...

    When we look at 6-hour average latency of the "Face - Detect" operation on Azure Monitoring over some days, the ...

  4. a problem with custom workflowPersistenceService

    Hi All, I'm developping a custom workflowPersistenceService class,i inherit it from WorkflowPersistenceService and ...

  5. ServiceClient not there anymore...........

    Hi, I did add a method in my Interface then in the Service.svc Then I did an update on the ProxyCode object in the ...

  6. Never getting online azure data using MobileServiceSQLiteStore

    Subscriber portal. Get tools. Downloads. Visual Studio; SDKs; Trial software. Free downloads

  7. Error in Log -winMgmt Fail for SqlService

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  8. Adaptive Rendering causing problems? -

    Quick access. Forums home; Browse forums users; FAQ; Search related threads

  9. Calling a Stored Procedure using WCF REST

    I have been trying to call a stored Procedure to Insert User into database using WCF REST however I am not able to ...

  10. Is "Encryption at Rest" always on for Azure Cache for Redis, or...

    The product overview page for Azure Cache for Redis states: > Azure Cache for Redis supports industry-standard SSL ...

  11. Multiple Valid Channel URIs per App? -

    Hi, The way my cloud service manages channel URIs is the same model I have used for both GCM and Apple : when my ...