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  2. Who Were the Nicolaitans? -

    The Nicolaitans in Revelation. The Bible only mentions the Nicolaitans twice. In His letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus tells the church at Ephesus, “This you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” Revelation 2:6). And to the church in Pergamos Jesus says: “You also have those who hold ...

  3. Who were the Nicolaitans and why did Jesus hate their deeds?

    As previously mentioned, the name of the sect called Nicolaitans was most likely started by a man named Nicolas of Antioch, who had been appointed a deacon by the apostles in Acts 6:5. However, what he later taught was in direct conflict with the letter that the Apostles and elders in Jerusalem wrote to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria ...

  4. Who are the Nicolaitans? - Word of Truth Radio

    The doctrine of the Nicolaitans appears to have been a form of antinomianism. (Antinomianism: A belief that is based upon a recognition of the mercy of God as the ground of salvation, but it makes the fatal mistake that man can freely partake in sin because the Law of God is no longer binding. It held the truth on the gratuitous reckoning of ...

  5. revelation - What does teaching of nicolaitans mean...? -...

    1. Historically (prophetically) it appears to me that the meaning of 'Nicolaitans' in the context of the 7 local churches and in their use as 7 broad conditions or stages that the church consecutively goes through during the church age (that is, up to the end of the age, the last 3 1/2 years, and the Millenium), is the meaning of the word.

  6. What is the historical interpretation of 'Nicolaitans' in Rev...

    "Enough it is for us that this heresy of the Nicolaitans has been condemned by the Apocalypse of the Lord with the weightiest authority attaching to a sentence, in saying "Because this thou holdest, thou hatest the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which I too hate."(Pseudo-Tertullian, Against All Heresies 24) Concerning the Nicolaitans, Alford ...

  7. revelation - Rev 2:1-3, who are the false apostles? - Biblical...

    That is, Rev 2:2 is speaking about multiple (plural) false apostles. Second, if Paul was one of the false apostles, then any evidence for this is completely lacking in the rest of the NT, most of which was written by the apostle Paul. That is, if Paul was a false apostle, then most of the NT is a hoax. Third, if the Ephesians rejected Paul ...

  8. In Revelation 2:4, to what does “first love” refer?

    The love for God is the first possible answer that comes to mind. 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall ...

  9. What is the meaning of "lampstand" in Revelation 2:5?

    If I can be so bold as to summarize: The Lampstand illuminates the Bread of His Presence. Zechariah sees a High Priest (only a man-descendant of Aaron). He is filthy with sin. The Aaronic High Priest was to be a guide, counselor, intermediary between God and man. Zechariah vision: The lampstand will provide light by the Spirit, not by human ...

  10. Genesis 37: Any difference between "Ishmeelites" and...

    The Masoretic Text of Genesis complicates the issue further because its last verse of Ch. 37 says that it was Medanites (m e ḏānîm), not Midianites, who sold Joseph to Potiphar in Egypt.

  11. What is the “little power” in Revelation 3:8?

    Ephesus hates the Nicolaitans. Pergamum has a few who hold to the teaching of Balaam, eat food sacrificed to idols and have some Nicolaitans. Thyatira tolerates Jezebel and are unwilling to repent. Sadis has reputation for being alive but is actually dead and their deeds are incomplete; only a few in Sardis have not soiled their clothes