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  2. How to copy same range from multiple worksheets and paste into a...

    B column (1 to 100 cells) from all worksheets and paste it in a single sheet, not in the single (same) column but different columns. I tried your coding in microsoft excel and it works. Actually, your coding copies particular column of data from multiple worksheet and put together in the same column (eg. column A) of the sheet named as archive.

  3. Copy text from word without track changes -...

    Version: Word 14.0.6129.5000 32 bit OS: Win 7 Hi - We receive tons of word-documents to our newspaper, and many of ...

  4. Error 0x80070057: The parameter is incorrect on Copy Paste

    Windows Client. Sign in. United States (English)

  5. Trouble editting Visio 2003 flow charts when copied and pasted...

    When I copy and paste a flow diagram out of visio 2003 (i know this is a visio 2010 forum but it was the closest ...

  6. Event ID 20069 and 21021 - Certificate could not be loaded

    Choose a password and save to a .PFX file. Copy that file to the remote machine, and open MMC cert snapin. In localmachine personal store, right click -> Import, and follow the wizard. Now the certificate should have the private key properly installed.

  7. Outlook 2010 calendar attachments missing

    Hi, Having trouble with Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010. This only happens to some calendar meetings. The user ...

  8. How to copy a CD under Windows Server -...

    Is it possible to copy a CD using Windows Server 2008 R2 burning features? · Hello, You need to be logged in as ...

  9. Find and replace string in a file using batch script

    I am writing a batch script to replace " ", with " ". The below code works but it prefixes each line with the line ...

  10. Windows 8 Eats battery compared to Windows 7

    Hi , I used Windows 7 for more than a year , it gave me about 2:30 Min in my laptop. When i installed windows 8 , after 2 months when i try to plug out my laptop from power the battery gets low after 5 min , i though battery need to be replaced but when i reinstalled windows 8 it give me only 1:45Min battery time.

  11. Taskbar icons disappear in Windows 7 -...

    Windows Client. Sign in. United States (English)