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  2. Hi there! Good news! Mac computers do not need any sort of antivirus. Antivirus and similar types of software can interfere with macOS and potentially cause issues. Here are some links that describe Apple's built-in malware protection, which are far superior: macOS - Security - Apple. Protecting against malware in macOS - Apple Support.

  3. Do Macs come with antivirus software? - Apple Community

    Oct 15, 2017 9:19 PM in response to mags2003. You don’t need antivirus software, Macs can’t get viruses too easily at all. And no, it doesn’t come with any. But believe me, I have 4 macs and 2 PCs, and the pcs got virus, NONE of the macs did. So you are probably fine.

  4. Posted on Oct 14, 2020 1:13 AM. There probably is AV software available. But the fact is macs do not need anti-virus software as there are no viruses that attack the mac. AV software only uses up resources and gives false results which may encourage you to delete files. that have been flagged, these files may be much needed system files.

  5. If you are going to install an antivirus software on a Mac, Malwarebytes is my prefered option, HOWEVER: do consider if you do need the antimalware software, if the pop up is a notification (shows up in the top right of your screen), most of the time these are coming from websites you have given access to send notifications from.

  6. Time Machine cannot start the backup - Apple Community

    Antivirus software may be preventing Time Machine from writing to the backup. Major Issues: Q - Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed that could be malicious and should be reviewed. A - This is covered later in this report Hardware Information: Mac mini (M1, 2020) Q - disk4 - BUFFALO HD-GDU3 3.00 TB

  7. antivirus software - Apple Community

    I have a Mac Pro. Do I need to add antivirus software. Show more Less. MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.14 ...

  8. Free Antivirus Software for Mac - Apple Community

    Once removed, restart the Mac. It is created by longtime users of these forums. So, that is why it is the only way to go about securing your Mac, when it comes through use of software. Downloads: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac. Malwarebytes Uninstaller. (9) Servant of Cats. Level 6.

  9. best mac antivirus software/ - Apple Community

    "best mac antivirus software/ok lesson learnt no VPN's without an anti virus back up .. but now what do i do .. What is the best antivirus for mac book pro?[...]well maybe I have been mistaken re the vpn , but something forces my system to bing or yahoo over and over before it settles on a search request"-----Anti Malware:

  10. Hi there! Welcome to the Mac! Good news - Mac computers do not need any sort of antivirus or cleaning software. Anti-virus and similar types of software can cause performance issues, security issues, and make macOS appear bugg

  11. From user Joe Bailey comes this equally useful advice: The facts are: 1. There is no anti-malware software that can detect 100% of the malware out there. 2. There is no anti-malware that can detect anything targeting the Mac because there. is no Mac malware in the wild, and therefore, no "signatures" to detect. 3.