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  2. 379. You can use ren (as in rename): ren *.XXX *.YYY. And of course, switch XXX and YYY for the appropriate extensions. It will change from XXX to YYY. If you want to change all extensions, just use the wildcard again: ren *.* *.YYY. One way to make this work recursively is with the FOR command. It can be used with the /R option to recursively ...

  3. How to Convert From HEIC to JPG in Python on WIndows

    import os from PIL import Image import pillow_heif def convert_heic_to_jpeg(heic_path, jpeg_path): img =, format='JPEG') def convert_all_heic_to_jpeg(input_folder, output_folder): # Register HEIF opener with Pillow pillow_heif.register_heif_opener() # Create output folder if it doesn't exist if not os ...

  4. curl is absolutely not "better" than file_get_contents unless you need to add additional data to the call ex. authentication. Moreover, file_get_contents is gonna fallback to getting a local file's contents when possible, thus not making a useless network call. –

  5. I want to convert this Image into a jpg file. I understood how to get the pixels of the picture but it's completely crazy to send it to a server: It's to large! I also tried to access to the jpg file stored in the computer but I do not achieve to anything. The only way I found is to send it with a form like this:

  6. Python script to convert all .png in the folder into .jpg. import cv2 as cv import glob import os import re png_file_paths = glob.glob(r"*.png") for i, png_file_path in enumerate(png_file_paths): jpg_file_path = png_file_path[:-3] + "jpg"; # Load .png image image = cv.imread(png_file_path) # Save .jpg image cv.imwrite(jpg_file_path, image, [int(cv.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 100]) pass

  7. Is possible convert all images (png, gif etc) to jpg with 100% quality? If yes, how? I would like allow to upload png and gif, but this script should convert this files to jpg.

  8. Depending on your operating system this may change the line break control characters. Great answer nevertheless, thank you. It needs more upvotes. Simple as that and no need to care about managing resources according to the documentation of Path.write_text: Open the file in text mode, write to it, and close the file. –

  9. 24. You can convert the opened image as RGB and then you can save it in any format. The code will be: from PIL import Image. im ="image_path") im.convert('RGB').save("image_name.jpg","JPEG") #this converts png image as jpeg. If you want custom size of the image just resize the image while opening like this:

  10. This works with Python 2.7 under Windows (Python Imaging Library 1.1.7 for Python 2.7), I'm using it with 2.7.1 and 2.7.2. from PIL import Image. im ='Foto.jpg')'Foto.png') Note your original question didn't mention the version of Python or the OS you are using. That may make a difference of course :)

  11. converting tiff to jpeg in python - Stack Overflow

    For some reasons, when tiff has JPG compression (probably, some others too) it cannot encode the correct information. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (C) P.S. One can convert file with help of Paint (in old windows Paint Brush (Something is rotten in this state too) or Photoshop - any version.